Trust Your Father

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Several years ago, on a chilly Sunday morning in January, our son followed the Lord’s leading and was baptized* by my pastor husband in our church’s morning worship service.

*Note: We believe that baptism is a public testimony by a person displaying how they have put their trust in Christ Jesus for their eternal salvation.  It is simply a step of obedience.  We also believe it is to be by full immersion.

I had great joy in my heart as I stood next to the large plastic tub filled with water.  Watching my son obeying the Lord’s leading is such a treasure - a memory I will always hold dear.

But I was also so proud of him.  Proud - in a good way.  

You see, my son had not yet gotten over his fear of having his head completely under water.  And he knew that was what was going to happen.  We had been talking to him about it, making sure he was prepared. (And for the record, this was his decision.  We do not push our children into making these very important spiritual decisions.) 

When his turn came, he climbed in the water and stood next to his dad. It was custom in our church to have someone share a short testimony about the person being baptized.  I was the one sharing about our son.  And as I talked, I glanced over to see my son, standing in the water, clinging to his father.  

What a sight that was!  You could tell he was fearful and nervous.  But you could also tell he was very much trying to be brave.  He knew this was what he wanted to do – what he was supposed to do.  It choked me up as I talked.

When I was finished, my husband looked down at our son and asked him, “Have you ever put your faith and trust in Jesus Christ?” A strong, loud, and unwavering voice said, “Yes.”  

With tears of joy in his own eyes, my husband then baptized our son.  The moment his head came above the water, my son turned and held his arms up and his daddy lifted him and held him tight.  The sweetness of that moment affected pretty much everyone there.  I dare say there wasn’t a dry eye in the room.

The image of my husband holding our son causes me to think of how our Heavenly Father holds us.

We will find that life often leads us into uncomfortable and frightening situations.  There are many trials and struggles we go through that we don’t understand or are afraid of, and we find ourselves full of questions. 

It shouldn’t take us by surprise that we experience hard times.  God told us as much in His Word…

John 16:33 - “These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace.

In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.”

Ah! But did you catch that last part? The part where He says He has “overcome the world?”  God has promised us that as we walk through life, we need not fear because He has already won - He knows the outcome of it all.  And He has promised that He will be right there with us, through every scary and uncertain situation.

Deuteronomy 31:6 - “Be strong and of a good courage, fear not, nor be afraid of them:

for the Lord thy God, he it is that doth go with thee; he will not fail thee, nor forsake thee.”

I picture God being just like my husband was with our son that Sunday.  My son was afraid.  But he knew  - even in his fear - that his daddy would be right there by his side the whole time. My husband had assured him that he wouldn’t leave him or let go of him.  And in his sweet child-like faith, my son took his father at his word and trusted in him.  When he was at his point of greatest fear, his Daddy came through with his word and was right there, lifting him into his arms, assuring him all was okay.

God has assured us that He is not going to let go.  He is here for us.  And when we feel like our heads are underwater and we are drowning in our trials and fear, we can take Him at His word, hold up our hands and find that He is right there, just as he said he would be! He will lift us in His strong, loving arms and hold us tight.

What a blessed assurance that is!

We cannot go through life without any trouble or difficulties.  But, we can go in peace because we have the assurance that God our Father is right there, ready for us to cling to when we are afraid.  He is a big God and He can handle any situation, even when we cannot.  

All we need to do, just as my son did, is take our Father at His word and trust Him.  

And I guarantee, we will find that He keeps His word. 

He will be there. Every. Single. Time.


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